Business consulting services for Retail sector

Businesses operating in the retail sector have unique characteristics and needs, working hours are highly flexible and they can be located across a wide area, both nationally and internationally.

The specific requirements of this sector call for internal processes and procedures that are standardised across all stores in terms of health and safety in the workplace and also regarding the environment to an extent. This extends to electronic retail (e-commerce) and the consequent protection of sensitive personal data.

The retail sector needs to be able to count on a flexible, nationwide service managed by a security system capable of protecting the company and its workers, preventing and minimising risks in compliance with the legal oblig ations in force.

PLS Group can count on a wealth of experience gained over the years, thanks to constant collaboration with companies of all sizes across a multitude of sectors. We offer prompt, integrated, cutting-edge consultancy, to protect and defend your company from all potential risks relative to compliance with the legal obligations in force, by means of continuous monitoring and improvement of the workplaces and of the human resources.

Our team of professional specialists can provide you with targeted support, working together in the evaluation of your company’s requirements in the following fields, according to the needs and characteristics of production in the company and in any subsidiaries. The aim is therefore to provide a service that is in step with the applicable legislation while also tailored to the company’s individual requirements: